Sunday, December 10, 2017

Cokeberry - All My Life

Cokeberry - All My Life
Love Lite / Stone Fox PCCA-01051

I remember seeing the name Cokeberry around from time to time way back in the early days, i think it may have even been part of someone's screen name on various online communities, but i had actually never listened to them until i picked up this and another release of theirs. I kinda always had a notion that they were poppy in my head, but i was pretty wrong. instead we get jazzy groovy indie rock with a female vocalist with some smooth and juicy melodies. There is something about these songs where they are like almost always right on the edge of getting really good, exceptional, but they never quite fall off that ledge. there are some really catchy moments with the vocals. some great choruses and whatnot. there is some kind of restraint on this album that leaves you wanting just that little extra umph. a damn solid release though.

Buy It.

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